Henry Brill Vs Jack Garratt

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It’s been a long time coming, this one. Probably three years since Jack invited his old pal Henry to help him work on lyrics for his next record. Thankfully, it’s been worth the wait and then some. Jack Garratt’s sophomore record, Love, Death & Dancing is out today on Island Records and features nine songs co-written with Henry.

He co-wrote the tunes Time, Mara, Better, Get In My Way, Mend A Heart, Circles, Anyone, She Will Lay My Body On The Stone and Old Enough. Circles, Time & Better were also chosen as singles and have picked up heavy play listing and press and radio support the world over.

It’s a fucking glorious masterwork of an album, produced by Jack himself, and two of our favourite non FvM producers, Jacknife Lee and James Flannigan. You don’t even have to just take my word for it. Alexis Petridis in the Guardian describes the album as ’striking… (possessing) a fresh sense of invention and originality… a desire to rattle the sonic homogeneity of current pop.’ In other amazing news, the LP comes in a really awesome purple and orange splatter if you buy it from his web store. I usually hate coloured vinyl, it sounds like shit, but I even bought a copy (as well as in black, I’m not an animal).