Simon Byrt Vs COUSN


Following on from their collaboration remixing Jessie Ware’s Mirage for PMR Records earlier this year, Simon Byrt’s been working with COUSN again on their new single Ritual.

Released on the duo’s own FAMLY imprint, the pair describe their inspiration for the track as:

" whole worldwide ritual of going out clubbing at the weekend, then suddenly out of nowhere this global pandemic comes along and that now feels like a distant memory, even though it’s only been a few weeks.

We feel like the track now relates more to the everyday rituals you do to keep sane during lockdown; your one run a day, your weekly pub quiz zoom. So the song has taken a bit of a turn but it’s very upbeat and we’re happy to be getting it out.”

Recently signed to The Other Songs Publishing through Kobalt, raves or no raves it’s going to be an exciting year for COUSN.