This new Pixey track is ace, and we were delighted when Darren Lawson was invited to mix the track. Sunshine State is a high energy piece of 90’s indie tinged pop produced by Pete Robinson that is already starting to pick up editorial support.
Read MoreHenry Brill Vs Gatlin
Gatlin is really cool and her most recent EP, To Remind Me Of Home is a truly terrific selection of songs, not least the track Sugarcoated, co-written by the inimitable Henry Brill. The EP is out RIGHT NOW and demands your attention immediately.
Read MoreOwen Lewis Vs Henry Brill Vs Alex McArtor
Not a lot to say about the fabulous Ms McArtor that we haven’t already said, but finally her full EP, Welcome To The Wasteland, is out in the world. It’s six fantastic tracks of elegant, Americana and indie tinged pop and we can’t recommend it enough. The whole thing was co-written and produced by Owen Lewis & Henry Brill, and mixed by Owen too.
Read MoreDarren Lawson Vs Voodoo Bandits
Voodoo Bandits have the potential to be your new favourite band. Their tunes are dead catchy, smartly written and fun as fuck. They’re also from the Isle of Man, which is a place I know barely anything about, except that they’ve done a good job of containing coronavirus, and the cats there don’t have tails, which is quite interesting, when you think about it.
Read MoreHenry Brill Vs Joy Oladokun
Joy Oladokun’s third record, In Defense of My Own Happiness, is out today on Republic Records and it’s a total triumph. What’s more, we’re very pleased that Joy’s chosen to include a song she wrote a little while ago with our very own Henry Brill on the LP. It’s called Let It Be Me and it’s a little bit heartbreaking, a little bit tender and lyrically and musically stupendous. Do yourself a favour today and go and check out the whole record.
Read MoreHenry Brill Vs DePresno
This is a big one - today sees the release of the new album from our incredibly talented pal, DePresno - out today via Sony Music Norway. I’m a bit hungover and thinking of how much I love this album and how proud I am that Henry Brill has co-written it with dePresno and Askjell is making me come over all emotional. It’s a beautiful set of stories and songs and I implore you to get involved with the album as soon as possible.
Read MoreOwen Lewis Vs Matt Maeson
Matt Maeson is a phenomenal talent - his 2019 record Bank On The Funeral (and its acoustic sibling) is a sublime piece of work. His new single, Nelsonwood Lane, came out earlier this week on Neon Gold/Atlantic and it’s every bit as exciting and beautiful as its forebears. Produced by the fantastic James Flannigan, we were over the moon to have our guy Owen Lewis be invited to engineer.
Read MoreDarren Lawson vs WOOZE
It’s been a hot minute since we’ve had new music from British/Korean duo WOOZE. Their last EP, What’s On your Mind?, mixed by Darren Lawson, was a big record for us back in 2019, and we were delighted to get the call for Daz to mix their new single.
Read MoreOwen Lewis Vs Henry Brill Vs Alex McArtor
Another track from the upcoming Alex McArtor EP, produced and co-written by our Nashville-based dream team of Henry Brill & Owen Lewis. Broken Bone is a pretty marvellous piece of alternative pop with a killer vocal.
Read MoreAl Groves Vs Bedside Manners
Bedside Manners released their newest track, Feel Alive, this week. Produced and mixed by Al Groves and engineered by Loic Gaillard at the Motor Museum, it follows on from their heavily playlisted previous collaboration, Out Of Control. This is a very exciting song from a very exciting band.
Read MoreDarren Lawson Vs Alfie Templeman
Our Daz has been mixing Alfie’s stuff since day one, and it’s been quite the trip watching Alfie Templeman develop towards his amazing debut mini-album, Forever Isn’t Long Enough.
Read MoreOwen Lewis Vs Henry Brill Vs Old Sea Brigade
It’s been a long time coming and I’ve waxed lyrical about the singles before, but Old Sea Brigade’s sophomore LP, Motivational Speaking is out now.
Read MoreHenry Brill Vs Owen Lewis Vs Alex McArtor
Alex McArtor is insanely talented and one of the best things we’ve heard out of Texas for a very long time. We’re therefore delighted that she’s co-written her upcoming EP with Henry Brill & Owen Lewis, who also produced the record together.
Read MoreSteven A Griffiths Vs Millie Turner
Working away from his Manchester bunker during last year’s first lockdown, Steven A Griffiths produced and mixed a new track, Sunshine, for East London wunderkind Millie Turner.
Read MoreHenry Brill Vs The End of John Joseph Brill
We deal primarily in behind the scenes talent round here, so it’s not often I get to talk about gigs. I am, however, able to say with a mixture of delight and sadness that our boy Henry Brill will be performing for the final time under his John Joseph Brill moniker. He’s doing two nights in Nashville - one this evening (the 30th April) which is fully sold out, and one tomorrow (1st May), which has a couple of tickets week. It’s at a secret location and I am beyond gutted than I’m not able to be there. Goddamn pandemic.
Read MoreHenry Brill Vs dePresno
I’m just beyond excited for the world to hear this record… Another track from dePresno’s upcoming album Places, co-written by Henry Brill, alongside dePresno and Askjell. It’s lovely.
Read MoreSean Oakley Vs Scalping
Post-punk meets techno? Don’t mind if I do. Sean Oakley has been defying the barriers presented by mere geography to continue working with one of Bristol’s most exciting new bands, Scalping. He’s produced, engineered and mixed their new single Monolithium, that precedes their upcoming EP (and with any luck, a whole heap of raucous live shows).
Read MoreOwen Lewis Vs Pet Envy
Pet Envy are ace. Anthemic pop/alternative crossover music for fans of the Naked & Famous, Lucius and Tame Impala. Owen Lewis has lent his considerable skills to their new single, Ghost Child, hopping on for mix and production duties.
Read MoreSteven A Griffiths Vs Kashmere
More excellent indie pop music from Kashmere, produced and mixed by Steven A Griffiths. The track, Someone was premiered on XSNoize ( who described the track as ‘euphoric and vibrant.'
Read MoreSimon Byrt Vs Marie Naffah
Marie Naffah’s debut EP, Golden State comes out today, supported by our friends at Frictionless Music. Simon Byrt produced the four tracks on the record and had a hell of a time capturing Marie’s phenomenal signature vocal in his West London studio.
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