Sean Oakley Vs Georgia Vs The Goddamn Mercury Prize

Our LA based writing/producing/mixing superman, Sean Oakley woke up to the incredible news that Georgia’s sophomore record, Seeking Thrills has been nominated for this year’s Mercury Prize. Sean co-produced the record with Georgia and Mark Ralph and it’s being picking up plaudits since its release earlier this year - including a ton of blog and press love, strong editorial support at digital and a whole load of radio play, particularly on the UK’s Radio 1.

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Friends Vs Radio 1

Radio was my first love. Honestly, I don’t think I’d be doing this if it wasn’t for Steve Lamacq’s Evening Sessions back in the heady days of the early 2000s.

Glad to say that radio continues to be good to me and our gang at Friends Vs Music, with three records on Radio 1’s playlist.

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