Friends Vs Music Vs Friends Vs Friday

Well, what a fucker of a time we’re living in, eh? Dunno about you, but this is probably the strangest period of my 32 years on this planet. Anyway, thankfully I’m built for this shit, and I’ve essentially been in self isolation since I set up Friends Vs Music nearly three years ago. Hope everybody’s looking after themselves and keeping healthy while we wait for this all to blow over.

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Owen Lewis Vs Angie McMahon


Owen Lewis recently co-produced a cover of Fleetwood Mac’s Silver Springs for up and coming Aussie acoustic superstar Angie McMahon.

Angie came in and recorded the track with Owen and collaborator Ben Cramer in Shoebox Studios while on tour in the US earlier this year. It’s a beautiful cover that American Songwriter described as ‘amazing.’

You can stream the song here or there’s a link to the video with a couple of tremendous close ups of Owen’s face below.

Friends Vs Owen Lewis

I’m beyond delighted to announce that Nashville via way of Limerick superstar, Owen Lewis, has joined the Friends Vs Music stable for management.

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Sean Oakley Vs La Roux

La Roux releases her first solo effort in five years, produced by Dan Carey and mixed by our very own Sean Oakley.

The track, International Woman of Mystery, has been described by Rolling Stone as “a punchy pop track that finds La Roux showing off her agile falsetto on the verses before slipping into a cool croon on the kiss-off chorus”.

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